This is a question that many of us have pondered on ever since recently when scientists have told us the vital importance of vitamin D in boosting our immune system and keeping us healthy.
Where does vitamin D come from?
Have you ever been stuck inside on a cloudy day and wish you were on the beach on a bright summer’s day? When the Sun hits your skin this helps our body to make vitamin D. Even though we get some vitamin D from the Sun, we must also make sure we get vitamin D from the food we eat. This includes fish, beef, orange juice, eggs and milk.
What’s the function of Vitamin D?
Do you know anyone who has ever fallen and broken a bone? Well vitamin D can help prevent this from happening. Our bones help us to stand up straight and move around. On a daily basis, vitamin D keeps us healthy by making sure our bones are as strong as it can be.
Have you ever been terrified of visiting the Dentist? Well no fear, vitamin D helps to keep our teeth healthy which will surely impress the dentist. Furthermore, as we get older, so does our brain, but vitamin D helps to keep our brains young and keep us smart. vitamin D also helps to keep us staying focused. Also when we get sick, bad bugs enter our body through our mouth. We have a system in our body that helps to fight off these bad bugs. vitamin D keeps us healthy by making sure the system is working.
In addition, Vitamin D is also vital for cardiovascular health. Sometimes when we aren’t healthy, our blood vessels constrict and nutrients can not get to our heart. However, vitamin D can make these vessels relaxed and loose so that the heart can get its nutrients such as oxygen through the blood.
Vitamin D further plays a vital role in our blood glucose levels. The pancreas releases something called insulin. Insulin helps to lower our blood sugar levels. Vitamin D keeps us healthy by making sure our blood sugar levels stay where they should be.
Why is Vitamin D supplementation so important?
In the UK, approximately one in five individuals are deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D supplementation of 1000IU a day is recommended in everybody to keep our vitamin D levels right. Our wide range can be found HERE and if you are confused as to what supplementation you need to take, do not hesitate to contact us through our ‘contact us’ page where a health care professional can give you expert advice.